Death’s Awakening, Lea’s Story and my Secret Project Revealed!

Wow, I have so much news to share! I have been really hard at work on several different projects. In a way, it’s so strange to be writing in someone else’s voice. I’ve been inside Harper’s head for two and a half years, so exploring new voices and characters has really been a lot of fun.

So, NEWS!! I have three pieces of news I really want to share with you.

1. Death’s Awakening is coming closer!! Next Tuesday, March 5th is the big cover reveal. I am so excited to show this cover to you. The AMAZING Renu Sharma really did a wonderful job capturing both the magic and the spooky aspects of this story. It’s absolutely perfect, and I really hope you’ll love it as much as I do. The cover is going to be featured on a lot of blogs on Tuesday, so I hope you’ll help me celebrate the reveal!!

If you haven’t heard about the book yet, Death’s Awakening is the first book in a brand new YA paranormal series. It’s very similar to the Peachville High Demons series in that it is going to be fast-paced with a lot of action, magic and a very strong central romance. It’s different, though, because instead of being told in just one point-of-view, this book follows several different characters through their lives. Also, zombies :).

2. *****Spoiler Alert******! If you haven’t read Demon’s Forever, you might want to skip ahead to #3!

For those of you who have read the last book of the PHD series, I’m sure you noticed the special little surprise at the end! Yes, it’s true. There will be a second Demons series coming out in 2014!!!!!!!! I don’t have a lot of details to share with you yet, but I can tell you that this will be an entire series following Lea’s point of view instead of Harper’s.

Of course, you’ll be seeing what happens with Harper and Jackson, too! You’ll just be seeing it through Lea’s eyes. You’ll also be following the Demon Liberation Movement’s war against the remaining leaders of the Order of Shadows.

And I’ve also been playing around with the idea of releasing a few short stories between now and then. Maybe Morgyn’s story. Maybe a short story that follows when Harper’s mom and dad met. And maybe even a special short story featuring Harper and Jackson.

Would that be something you guys are interested in? If yes, leave a comment below and let me know which ones you think sound good!!

I’ll keep you updated here on my blog about news for the next Demons series. If you missed the video announcing it, please go to to watch it now!

3. Now for news on my secret project!!!

I kind of got outed on Twitter since I was participating in #NALitChat on Thursday nights (9PM), so I need to make it official! I am writing a New Adult contemporary romance!! It’s called The Trouble With Goodbye and should be coming out in late April or early May this year. I am doing a cover reveal for this book April 2nd, but I hope to be able to share a description with you and maybe a teaser before then.

I have been reading a lot of NA romance lately, and I love it. To be honest with you, the very first couple of books I ever wrote were NA, but at the time, there wasn’t really a market for those books. I’m so excited to get the chance to write this genre again.

I adore Young Adult, but I also love that with New Adult, I can be free to explore some issues that I can’t with YA. Like most NA, these books are going to be a bit steamy and will be very different from my Young Adult books. There won’t be any paranormal elements and this time, the book will focus mainly on the romance.

I’m really excited write something totally new and different, and I sincerely hope a lot of you will enjoy reading something different from me!

Okay, whew! That’s a lot of news for a Friday! Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading through. I hope you’ll comment and let me know which short stories you might like to see this year and which books you’re most excited about picking up!

Have a great weekend all!



  1. UMM, Can I select ALL.THREE?! OMG, That would rock! If I had to only select one short story it would have to be Harper and Jackson…but I’d love to read all three. Eeeeeep!!

    1. All three potential short story ideas sound amazing! However, like Ria said the top vote is definitely a follow up with Harper and Jackson!

  2. so EXCITED!!! i can’t wait for the new series… i know it’ll be awesome and it’ll be interesting seeing that world through someone else’s point of view…

  3. Oh wow the short story’s would be so cool you should so do them
    I would like to see the one bout Harper’s mom and dad meeting…. But really any of them you make would be great

  4. So exciting news i miss Harper n Jackson! So will a book let us know who won the battle if they were able to get all the demons free

    1. Yes, Sami, the next series will continue the war against the Order! You’ll find out about their struggle to keep freeing demons from other gates, but just will be from Lea’s point of view for this next series.

  5. I want all of them!!! I want to hear all the stories!! I love this series and am sooo excited for thier journey to continue, Everyone’s Journey! I love when authors share it through all their views!! Whoooo hooo!!! More demons!!!

  6. All of the short stories sound like a great idea. Is there any chance that a future short story would or could about Angela? I was surprised that she was Harper’s sister and to read more about her would be wonderful.

    The series was exciting and so eventful that I read all six books within a week! I couldn’t put them down, I was hooked. I am so excited and I can’t wait to read Lea’s point of view in the next series that continues the war.

  7. First off I LOVED the PHD series, I finished the whole series in 3 days i just couldn’t stop! On another note a short story would be FANTASTIC all 3 would be great but if I was picking one it’d def be the one about Harper and Jackson maybe from Jackson’s point of view? Once again fantastic series I will definitely be ready all of your upcoming series!

  8. OOMGG harper and jackson…i would love a short story on them that would be wonderful i mean like omgggggg. maybe this time from jackson’s view..but either way we have to get a story about harper and jackson

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