
Celebrating Five Years as an Indie Author

It’s hard to believe it’s been five whole years since I first published BEAUTIFUL DEMONS. When I decided to take a chance on self-publishing, I had no idea just how dramaticallyย my life was about to change. Every year in this business gets more intense, more emotional, and more difficult, but there has never been a doubt in my mind that it’s all worth it. I am lucky enough to be doing what I love and actually making a living at it. It’s a dream come true. But that doesn’t mean it’s all rainbows and unicorns. Writing and self-publishing is Hard…

100,000 Books Sold!!!!!!!!!!

100,000 Books Sold!!!!!!!!!!

I literally could not put enough exclamation marks at the end of that title!! I am in shock. As of this week, I have officially sold 100,000 ebooks. When I first made the decision to self-publish back in late August 2010, I never dreamed I would ever sell that many books. I was honestly scared to death that no one would like my books and that I would have nothing but one-star reviews, ha! Instead of self-publishing the book I’d just submitted to Kristin Nelson (and gotten rejected), I decided to write something totally new. A murder mystery about an…

So Close To The Next Milestone!!

So Close To The Next Milestone!!

September is going to be one of the most exciting in my publishing career so far!! As of the beginning of this month, I have sold 97,579 books! I am so incredibly close to the HUGE milestone of 100,000 paid sales, and I have no doubt I will hit it within the next couple of weeks. In fact, I’m still waiting for my August sales figures from the iTunes store, which could push me up as far as 99,000 or more. EEEEEEK!!!! I honestly can’t believe this is happening. And the fact that I’m this close before I’ve even hit…

75,000 Books Sold!!!

It’s been a while since I did a sales update, but wow, this year has already been so amazing! I posted back in February that I had hit a sales milestone of 60k sales. I didn’t expect to hit another milestone so quickly, but as of this month, I’ve officially sold 75,000 ebooks in my Peachville High Demons series!!!! The two biggest boosts in sales for 2012 so far this year have been 1) the release of Rival Demons, book 5 of my Peachville High Demons series back in January and 2) Beautiful Demons (book 1) going free in all…

MILESTONE: 60,000 Books Sold!

Yippeee!!! I’m very excited to announce that yesterday, I hit a new sales milestone. 60,000 books sold. This is an all-time figure, starting when I self-published my first novel, Beautiful Demons, at the end of October 2010. It took me almost exactly 16 months to reach this milestone, and I couldn’t be happier. More than anything, I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you to all my faithful readers who have purchased the books in the Peachville High Demons series and supported me. It means more to me than I could ever say. You have all made my dreams…

MILESTONE: 50,000 Books Sold!

MILESTONE: 50,000 Books Sold!

Is this really happening? That’s the question I ask myself every day. Am I really making a living doing what I love to do? It’s the most amazing dream come true, and none of it would be possible if it wasn’t for all of you out there who took a chance by picking up BEAUTIFUL DEMONS and giving the Peachville High Demons series a try. Yesterday, I hit the huge milestone of selling my 50,000th book. It took just a hair over 15 months to reach that sales goal, and I’m really proud of that. I was looking back at…