200th Post
Believe it or not, I have actually stuck with a blog long enough to have made it to my 200th post!! I realize this blog isn’t about anything in particular, but I have loved writing it every morning. It’s always good to have some kind of outlet where you don’t have to be afraid of what others will think, and you feel free to express yourself and your thoughts. For me, it has always been journals, but after I hit my mid-twenties, I found it harder to actually finish a journal that I had started. When I was younger, I used to fill up two or three journals a year, from start to finish without leaving a single page untouched. Over the past few years however, I have started plenty of journals and finished none. Instead, this has become my journal, and I am happy to say that it will never run out of blank pages on which to write. Thank you to those of you who faithfully read my ramblings.