Damn Pills
So, I decided to try out this SlimQuick stuff that I keep seeing on TV. You know the ad where the cartoon drinks water and shrinks her tummy? Well, I bought their 7 day “Cleanse” program and started it earlier this week. The problem with it so far is that you have to take four pills twice a day. Yes, 8 fucking pills a day! Now, on the back, here is what the warning says:
Choking: Taking this product without adequate fluid may cause it to swell and block your throat or esophagus and may cause choking.
Seriously? Nice. Of course, I didn’t actually read that warning until last night after I took my dose of four pills. I took plenty of water with it, but still, it feels like there is a pill stuck in my throat. I was paranoid all freaking night about it, and I didn’t get to sleep until well after 4 am, worrying about going to sleep and having this stupid pill swell and me not be able to breathe.
I have looked up what other people say online about this feeling of having a pill stuck in your throat. Well, most say to eat a piece of bread, but I already tried that and it didn’t work. I thought sleep would make it go away, but I’m up this morning and it’s still there. One post I read said that when they went to the emergency room, the doctor told them that the pill was most likely not there anymore, but that it probably scratched their esophagus on the way down and left it irritated. I really don’t want to go to the doctor about it, because it just seems silly. On the other hand, wtf is going on?
I have literally consumed about 10 bottles of water. I even tried hot chocolate thinking that the hot liquid might melt the pill better or help it to dissolve. Is there really a pill in my throat? Or am I just letting it get to me? I think that if we are scared of something, we can make ourselves believe anything. I remember one time in college thinking I might be pregnant, and I got so incredibly scared about it that I kept feeling like there was a baby in there. Stupid, yes I know. But painfully true. Of course, there was no baby, it was all in my head.
If I was having difficulty talking or breathing, I would probably go to the doctor, but as it is, this is just super annoying at worst. I’ll just have to live with it and pray that there’s not some pill lodged in my throat that is eating its way through my esophagus. I can be such a baby sometimes.
It’s probably just stratched your esophagus, but geez 8 pills a DAY!! that’s insane, try crushing them maybe?? have fun with my sis 🙁 I wish I could be there too!