
My beautiful niece, Sami, is already a week old! Sorry for the absent posts for the past couple of weeks, but I had to go to GA and see her sweet face. Along the way, I also went to visit T, whose baby is also very very cute and is growing up so big so fast! I turned 32, which I suppose was inevitable. Today is my sister’s birthday, and it’s too bad I couldn’t stay in GA to celebrate with her. Then again, however, I am very happy to be home again with my love. Whenever I go out of town, especially for a week or so, I miss G so bad. I used to think that I would eventually stop missing him quite so much, you know, after we were more comfortable and settled into our relationship. Not happening though. I still miss him like crazy whenever we’re apart.

Anyway, here is a picture of my sweet niece. Then, it’s back to work for me. It’s always hard to get back into the swing of things and the routine of life and work, after a vacation or time away. Wish me luck 😛