Time is a funny thing. Sometimes you can feel like you have tons of time, so you procrastinate and do the things that seem important today. However, next thing you know, time has fooled you and suddenly that thing you thought was far off is here, and you’re unprepared. Does this ever happen to you? It happens to me all the time.
I put things off for later in the week thinking that I have plenty of time to get it done. Then, the weekend rolls around and I wonder where in the hell the time went. So why am I thinking about that this morning? Because I was dreaming about our wedding.
Our wedding date is October 7th. While that may seem like it’s still a ways off, 9 months really isn’t that long when there’s so much to do in between. The goal is to make enough extra money to pay for a wedding in St. Lucia. Well, that’s going to run us about $7,000. When I start to think of time in terms of that money, I get nervous. If we are going to make an extra $7,000 in the next 8 or 9 months, we don’t have much time to really start. That’s almost $1000 a month!
My fear is that I’ll put it off and not work hard enough because it seems like we have plenty of time. I really don’t want to wake up in August and think, “Damn, there’s no way we’ll get to St. Lucia. Wish I would have done more work in January.” Now I know what they mean when they say, “The time is now!” Now is all the time we have, so we need to take advantage of it and work hard to pave the way for our dreams to come true.