I realize this is an old game. It first came out something like 2005? It’s a First Person Shooter game for PC that pits you as the newest member of F.E.A.R. – First Encounter Assault Recon.

Basically, it’s scary as hell. G and I play games all the time, but it’s usually EQ2 or something like Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Every once in a while, though, I get the urge to pull a random single player game out and play for a few days. I tried to install “Obivion”, but after downloading patches and trying all sorts of things, I still couldn’t get it to work. It would just crash and give some error message before I could even get to the start screen. So I remembered FEAR.

I had this game when it first came out, thinking it would be awesome since it’s a shooter combined with a horror story. It was something like $50 or more, and I couldn’t get it to play on my piece of crap laptop. THe game was super choppy and then after I’d get a short ways in, it would just crash. Well, last year, I was thinking about the game and decided to check ebay for it. I won it for $5. Basically, since then it has just sat on my shelf.

Until last night. G was working on something on his side of the room, so I decided to try it out. After downloading a 20 minute patch, I was ready to play. Let me just say that this is a very fucking scary game. Everything in the game world is interactive, and of course, you’re in first person… so if it’s totally quiet and you’re trying to move around the corner, it’s totally possible that you will accidentally knock over a paint can at your feet, scaring the shit out of yourself with the noise. Then things sometimes randomly fall off shelves. And rats run out of little hiding places. Creepy little zombie people run in the shadows. It’s freakalicious.

I only got through the first 2 parts last night, but I ended up staying up past 1:30, which this week was supposed to be a no-no. So here I am like a good little girl, up at 8:30 and ready to get to work… Except that now I’m scared to be here alone. Especially when it’s raining and overcast outside…