Late-Night Writing Experiment

A lot of times, I get my best writing done late at night. Everyone always says that as a writer, you have to find your “process.” Basically, I think that means you have to find out just how to operate at your most productive. Since I’ve had some luck in the past writing in the quiet of the early morning hours, I thought I would give it a shot this week and see how productive I can be.

Last night, I stayed up and wrote about 1500 words of my novel. Tonight, I started off at 5672 words and have just finished up at around 7238. If I stay on a good pattern of 1500 words a night, I could finish this 50,000 word novel in less than a month. I have a feeling, also, that some nights I will end up writing a lot more than 1500 words. Right now, I am struggling a little bit with how to write a certain scene and make it convincing, but I feel certain that once I get into the meat of their romance, the words and the scenes will flow a lot faster. Right now, it’s hard to believe I am already about 15% finished with the rough draft. I’m honestly not sure the plot is moving fast enough to get everything I want to write in at a mere 50,000 words.

The good news there is that this is just a rough draft, so there will be time for changes later. The important thing for me right now is to just get my story written down so there is actually material to revise.

Anyway, I just wanted to explain why the blog posts might be a little off this week. I’ll keep updating my word count here at the very least. The novel I’m working on is now tentatively called “The Millionaire’s Scandalous Secret.” Of course, that is it’s fourth incarnation, so it’s bound to change once or twice more before I send it in. I’m happy with my progress so far, and I’m doing my best to keep my eye on the prize: Publication! It’s exciting to think that the words I write today may end up immortalized in an actual book sold in real bookstores and read by thousands of people.

Here’s to a productive week of writing! Wish me luck!

One Comment

  1. heres to tons and tons of luck!!! oh and i put that video up that i was telling you about, a real post is coming i promise!!

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