More than 20% finished!

My word meter website that I use is down, so thus no updated word count meter on the right sidebar. Oh well, I will settle for just telling you the good news since it’s 5:40 in the morning and I am almost delirious at this point anyway. I stayed up again tonight to write, which I think has been working pretty well for me so far the past few weeks.

Tonight, I started feeling stuck on one scene, so instead of giving up or trying to rewrite it a thousand times, I decided to just jump ahead to a scene that I was excited about writing and voila! Instant motivation!

I ended up writing over 2600 words tonight!! That brings my total word count up to 11,821 words!! Woohoo!! That’s over 20% finished if I stick with the originally intended 53,000’ish words. I feel really good about the scene that I wrote tonight too. I know it needs work (as usual), but it’s got promise! Hopefully this is just the beginning of what will turn out to be an amazing week.