"Hiring Freeze" My Ass

Day 1 of the Great Job Search did not go too well. In the past when I have applied to a restaurant for a server position, it has gone like this:

  • Walk in, say “Hi, are you hiring servers?”
  • If yes, get and fill out an application.
  • Turn it in, talk to a manager.
  • Get hired.

Well, not yesterday. I don’t know if it is just a different city or if it’s that it’s been a while since I tried to get a serving job.. or if the economy is really so bad that even restaurants are not hiring, but everywhere I went yesterday is not hiring right now or has tons of applications waiting. Do you know that I was even told one restaurant was on a “hiring freeze”? What the fuck? Till when? Someone quits? That is not a freeze my friend.

Buzz words and phrases like that annoy the shit out of me. “Hiring Freeze”, “Out of Harm’s Way”, “Unavailable for Comment”. They might as well be saying “Bullshit” “Bullshit” “Bullshit”. The media makes up these say-nothing phrases and then people pounce on them like they were the last damn piece of chocolate in the world. /sigh. Anyway, I digress.

All in all, I put applications in at about six places yesterday. Then, I sent in my resume to a few hotels hiring front desk attendants. When I got home, I saw an ad online for an office job really close to my house that said “apply in person”, so I ran out with a copy of my resume and applied there as well. I guess if I put myself out there, eventually something will stick. Hopefully.


  1. You’ll find something, eventually!! Hopefully, well maybe, perhaps soon, well you may have problems, you know with the economy and the swine flu and bankrupcy, oh and hiring freezes… hell, lets face it you might never find a job… I’m officially unavailable for comment!

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