Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig

Don’t ask me where I got that saying… well, okay you can ask. All I can say is that my mother used to say that almost everytime we got home from a trip. I don’t know where she got it, but I always think of it now when I’m heading home.

Today I’m on my way again to Georgia to visit my parents and family. I can’t wait to see my niece, who is now almost 3 months old. I am also going to spend one night at my sister’s house. I hate being away from G, but I do miss my family, so I’ll be down there for about five days. I’ll write a blog post if I get the chance, but we’ll see.

Hope you all have a great week, and I’ll be back Monday if not before!

One Comment

  1. 5 days is toooo long, i need you now dammit!!! you are supposed to be where i need you to be when i need you to be there dammitt!!!
    call me when you get this, im sure by then i wont even remember what i needed you for 🙂 heheh love ya have a safe trip tell everyone hello for me

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