RWA Registration

Well, I did it! I am officially registered for the Romance Writer’s of America National Conference in Washington D.C. this summer. I have wanted to attend this conference for so many years, I can’t even remember the first time I went to their website to dream about it. It was more than ten years ago, I can tell you that.

Writing was always like a secret dream to me. Singing was my out-there, in your face, everyone knows I love it, kind of passion. But writing was the dream I turned to when it was quiet and I felt restless. When I needed to pour my heart out or work through something, I would turn to poetry or the fantasy of someone else’s novels. I always wanted to write, but I was so scared that I wouldn’t be any good at it.

I am still a bit scared of never getting published, but just knowing that I’ve come this far is a dream come true for me. I am really a writer now. Published or not, I am pursuing it and doing my best to climb and get better and finish and create. The RWA conference this year will provide opportunities to pitch my novel, which isn’t quite done yet, but will be by then. Maybe I will even get the request at Nationals that will eventually lead to my first publication. All I know for sure is that I’m putting myself in the arena with the rest of the professionals and giving it 100%. It’s exciting just to know I’m out there and I’m in the race. D.C. Here I come!