The "J" Word

Yes, it’s time. I am looking for a job.

Technically, I already have a job… more than one really. But since no one is lining up to buy my novels just yet, a job that doesn’t pay isn’t exactly going to help us pay for our wedding. Short of draining our savings (which isn’t really an option), this is the only way I can think of to make money for the wedding fast enough to actually get married this year.

With our shift in plans from a Caribbean wedding to a longer road trip Vegas wedding/honeymoon, the cost of our vacation actually got cut by more than half. (Yay!) That’s definitely good news. Now I just need to find a job that I can work part-time to start saving up. Finding a job and being more active in general might actually be good for my writing. I’m hoping it will force me to manage my time more efficiently.

So what job? What I really wanted to do most was substitute teach. $90 a day for certified teachers isn’t bad at all. Plus, I enjoy teaching. Unfortunately, the school system here is on the dreaded “hiring freeze” that has become so popular these days. I can’t for the life of me figure out why that includes substitutes, who are usually in high demand and cost absolutely nothing unless they actually work, but it does. I turned in my application well over 2 months ago, but they will not process it until July. So that’s that.

The only other thing I can do where I can potentially make pretty good money is to wait tables. Is that a stupid job for a 32 year old to try to get? It makes me feel old to even think about, honestly. But it can be good money, and to make it even better, I’m sure to lose weight by default. I looked at getting a hotel front desk job so that I could try to squeeze in some writing at work, but those jobs aren’t easy to find to be honest. Not sure why, but that’s the way it is. So server is the fastest and the easiest. I applied at Carolina Ale House yesterday, and today I’ll head in to try to speak to a manager. Wish me luck. Hopefully I’ll get hired and can start right away. As long as their training program isn’t too long, I could be making good tips in a couple of weeks. I’ll keep you posted.

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