Breakfast rules
My fiance and I have been trying something different for the past couple of weeks, both in an effort to save money and to eat healthier. (And to lose weight for my part) Our “normal” schedule before this was to have something light, if anything, for breakfast. We would have a strawberry milkshake or a bowl of fiber one cereal some days, nothing but orange juice on others. Then, we would eat out almost every day for lunch. Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, pizza buffets, Japanese, etc. At dinner, we would also eat out usually. If you start adding up the money we spent eating out (and the calories), it makes perfect sense why we are struggling with money some months.
Now, we are trying something new. We did this last week too, but we are really giving it a 100% try for the month of May since we get paid monthly. We went grocery shopping, looking for deals on good food, and we are also expecting a delivery from Schwann’s Home food delivery service next week. In the mornings, I make breakfast every single day. Usually this involves eggs and juice. Today, for example, we had white wheat toast with egg and cheese sandwich.
Sometimes I make biscuits or whatever, but I make breakfast every day. Then, since we ate a larger breakfast, we can eat a very light lunch. Fruit, yogurt, something like that usually. For dinner, we have something light as well. Last night we had strawberries with homemade shortcake for dinner. Granted, we didn’t have any vegetables, but I am still working on the meal plans. We are doing our best to keep the eating out to a minimum and to use whatever we have here in the house instead. It sounds pretty simple, but after years of mostly eating out, it’s definitely a change for us.
I am hoping that at the end of the month, there is money to spare and I can finally fit into my jeans that are a size down. It would be heavenly to fit into a size 9/10 again before my cousin’s wedding in June.
have you read Dave Ramsey’s book??, also here is a good blog for deals of things that are on sale and coupons that are online are available too so that you can get some items for free!, also if you go to her bloglist you’ll find other blogger who do the same thing in your area.
you could also look into, they bring food to families at a really great price. but i learned how to make bread and i make breadsticks by stratch and pizza dough by stratch, it comes out feeding my family of 5, cents on the dollar!