The Biggest Loser Contestants Run a Marathon
After 18 weeks, the final four contestants on this season’s The Biggest Loser, have completely transformed themselves. On last night’s episode, their final challenge was to complete a marathon. For those of you who aren’t sure how long that is: 26.2 miles! These people were 250 to 400 pounds just a few months ago! And every one of the final four, even Ron with his serious knee and other health problems, completed the marathon.
Tara completed the 26.2 miles running after about 5 hours. Helen also ran and came in just about an hour after Tara. I was so proud of them for doing that! Helen is 48 years old! Six months ago she weighed over 200 pounds and would have never thought she could run a marathon, but she did it. And, by the way, she looks so beautiful! I was so proud of both of them.
Ron and Mike both had to walk the marathon. Ron because of his chronic health problems, and Mike because he hurt his hip training for the run and doctors wouldn’t allow him to run it. As much as I sometimes don’t like Ron, I cried when he finally walked over the finish line, something like 13 hours after they started. The fact that he could even walk that far was a testament to his determination and how much he wanted to prove himself to his children.
In the final on-campus weigh in, there were no big surprises. Constestants found out that the top 2 weight losers would be guaranteed a spot in the finale, while the bottom two would fall below the yellow line. Then, America would get to vote on which of the bottom two should be in the final three. Tara, who is the first contestant never to fall below the yellow line, was number one in her final week. She has to be one of the most determined people I have ever seen. She’s the type of person I wish I could be friends with and know in person. I personally hope she wins the money as well. I’m rooting for Helen too, who came in 2nd place and looks fantastic.
The bottom two are Ron and Mike, father and son. And it’s up to America to vote on which of them should be in the final 3. I voted for Mike on NBC’s website today. You can vote up to 10 times. Mike, to me, deserves a chance to weigh in that final weigh-in. Ron has been up for elimination so many times I can’t even count them. He’s only stayed in because he had friends who refused to vote him out for personal reasons. I think that if Ron goes to the final 3, Tara will probably win the title and Mike will probably will the at-home loser title. If Mike goes to the finale, Tara will still probably win but I think it will be close between the two of them. Of course, you never know. Helen could come in and surprise us all!
No matter who wins, though, I always love the final show. Just to see how far these people have come in such a short amount of time. 18 weeks plus the time between whenever they taped last night’s show and the live finale Tuesday. It just goes to show that if you set your mind to it and decide to change your life, anything is possible.