Try to be Good
I really do try to be good. My intentions are usually the best. But somewhere along the way I tend to fall short of that. This morning, for example, I intended to get out of bed around 9 and get to work just as if it were a normal day rather than a holiday. G is home so I knew it was going to be better than your average day, but I still planned to do work and get writing and laundry and things done today. When I went to bed last night, it was almost 3 am, so I set my alarm for 9:30 thinking that would be plenty of sleep. I woke up at 11 :(. Booo. Best of intentions, but I just couldn’t follow through. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the whole day is shot. It just means that I overslept. Not the end of the world.
There are other things, though, that are more frustrating than sleeping late on a holiday. Like losing weight and exercising. Writing and making money. I want to do all of those things. While the writing is certainly coming along (and I have high hopes of making good money soon enough), the exercise is pretty much nonexistent. I really need to get my butt in gear, though, or I’ll still be overweight for our wedding this fall. The problem is that I’m just not sure what goes wrong between the point where I set goals and intentions and the point where I follow through. There’s some kind of fatal error with me there. The goals are easy to set, but the follow through part is the part that matters.
The good news is this: It’s never too late. As long as I keep setting the right goals for myself and keep trying to follow through, I know that I am heading in the right direction. Right now, I’m moving very slowly, but that doesn’t mean I should give up. It’s never too late to reach for your goals.