43 days

Forty three days left until RWA National Convention! When I actually start to think about the fact that I’m going to pitch my ideas and my books to a senior editor at Silhouette and a New York City Agent, I start to freak out. My stomach starts to do flip flops and my mind begins to real with the possibility of finally doing something that could make a difference.

I know there’s a chance that I could go to the conference and have nothing extraordinary happen. However, I have a completely different feeling about it in my tummy. I just don’t think it’s going to be ho-hum and not a big deal. My greatest hope is that this is the start of my career in many ways. Even if I don’t actually get a book sale from something that happens at conference, maybe I will meet an editor/agent who will like my writing enough to encourage me in the future and buy something I write next. I don’t know how it will turn out. I just know that I’m excited and I’m determined to be ready for it.

“Ready for it” means hard work! I have tons to still write and revise before then, so it’s a big few weeks for me. It’s kind of a test in some ways. 43 days with so much to do. I know I can do it.