Wedding Weekend in Indy

Sometimes it just amazes me how fast time flies. My cousin K (who got engaged over 2 years ago) is getting married to her very long-time boyfriend D this weekend in Indiana. It’s hard to believe it’s really time already.

G and I will be driving up there since getting a flight would be too expensive, especially since the wedding is far enough away from the city that we’d have to also rent a car. Unfortunately the drive is going to take us about 12 hours, which sucks, but it’s definitely worth it to be there for them as they make this commitment.

We went to the mall last night to look for something to wear… the invitation says “Hawaiian Formal” and when I finally got in touch with K to find out what that is exactly, she said that most girls are wearing sun dresses and most guys are wearing Hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts. That, by the way, makes me freaking happy as hell. Don’t get wrong, I do enjoy getting dressed up and we still are going to wear nice clothes, but I’m so happy about getting to wear flip flops and be somewhat casual for this wedding. Especially after driving 12 hours both before and after the event. Having to wear high heels and panty hose or something might kill me :P.

Anyway, I just wanted to post something in case I don’t get a chance to post again this week. We have a lot to do before we leave and we will have to go pretty early on Friday morning. I will try to post something tomorrow, but we’ll see. If not, have a great weekend all! Pray for us for a safe trip to Indiana!

One Comment

  1. have a good time, you'll be a hop skip and jump away from Ohio!! Be thinking of ya'll this weekend! drive safely…:)

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