Cat From Hell Attacks!

Last night, G and I experienced a rare but terrifying event. We got stalked and attacked by a kitty cat.

We live in a community of townhouses situated side by side, and it just so happens that one of our neighbors about 4 townhouses down has a cat. They seem to let this black and white cat roam the neighborhood, and it has often been seen hanging out under our cars or around our doorstep. I don’t particularly mind as long as it isn’t attacking me. It’s just a cat.

From time to time, I have tried the old method of saying “here kitty kitty” to this black cat, hoping it would come to me and let me pet it, but the cat has never come close to me in the past. It usually just looks at me and either runs away or decides I’m not worth its time and just goes to sleep or something. Last night everything changed.

Around 10 pm, G and I decided to take a quick walk out to the mailboxes. Snickerdoodle likes to walk no matter what time it is, so the three of us went for a very short walk. Apparently, the cat was hiding out in the darkness beside my car and when we walked by, it decided to approach my small dog and hiss at her. I pulled Snoodle away and made sure she kept up with me, but the damn cat followed us! Stalked us! The faster I went, the more aggressive it got, trying to get to the dog.

I quickly picked my dog up (since she is, after all, smaller in size than some people’s cats are) our of fear for her eyes and her health… but the cat kept coming. It was like the Kujo of cats, I’m serious! G yelled for it to leave us alone, but it still hissed and raised up threateningly. As we moved toward the mailboxes, the cat ran up and scratched and bit G on the heel of his foot.

While G had its attention, I made a break for our house hoping the cat would stay by him. As I moved, however, the cat saw me and started running towards me. I was terrified. I made it to the house, but G had the house key, so I opened up our outer door and squeezed between it and the main door, holding onto Snickerdoodle for dear life. The cat didn’t come closer, but continued to hiss and moan.

I have never had a cat act so aggressively towards me and continue to stalk me like that. I really think that if it had attacked me, it would probably be dead right now. We went to the owner’s house even though it was after 10 and told him what happened. He said he will keep the cat inside from now on, but we’ll see. It would suck to have to be afraid to walk to the mailbox for fear of a cat attacking me.