Vitamin D Deficiency

I have a doctor’s appointment this morning. Last time I went to the doctor for my annual physical, they did a blood work up and found that I have a high vitamin d deficiency. This was something I had never really heard of before, but apparently, not getting enough vitamin d is a problem.

After looking it up online (where, yes, I know you can’t believe everything you read, but still, most sites tend to have similar information on this subject), I found out that lack of vit. d can result in cancer, osteoporosis, and other diseases. It can also mean fatigue, which is something I have a problem with.

There are two ways that my doctor suggested I increase my vitamin D intake. Number one was dietary supplements, which I ran out and bought right after my appointment last month. She told me I should be taking twice the normal dose… which I did… for about two weeks. Then I just sort of forgot and stopped taking it, which probably means that my blood tests from Friday are going to still show a terrible deficiency and today’s appointment will be pretty much bullshit with her just telling me to take the damn pills. Anyway, the second way is to get out into the sun more often. The problem there, however, is pretty obvious. Too much sun can also lead to cancer, so I don’t want to stay in the sun too much without sunscreen… but most types of sunscreen these days “protect” our skin from the UVB rays that give us vitamin D.

Anyway, I have to get going so that my doctor can tell me that my vitamin D levels are still way too low…