Writing Day

Ever since I got back from my vacation visiting family and friends last week, I’ve had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. But I feel the energy and the passion to write and work toward my goals coming back. Today is going to be a writing day. I could feel it the moment I got up this morning.

It has been a month since my trip to Washington DC where the editor and agent both requested my manuscript… and I have yet to polish my manuscript to the point where I’m comfortable sending it out. I’m running out of time! Supposedly, they’ll still accept it as “requested material” for a year, but I dont’ want to miss my chance by putting this off any longer. My absolute goal is to have this in the mail to NYC on Monday, August 31st. Basically, that gives me just over one week to wrap this up. I know I can do it, and it’s going to take a very dedicated and focused weekend of writing. Wish me luck!