Forty Dollars

That’s about the extent of our flea market experience. We made $40. And that’s NOT profit. I’m talking about forty bucks total… then subtract $20 for the entry fee and another $8 for the table we had to rent, and we have only $12. I don’t even know what all the materials cost for the stuff I made and took out there, but that’s not really a loss if I can try to sell it somewhere else like ebay or whatever. Of course, then we also got some food while we were there, since it was six a.m. when we arrived and almost 5pm by the time we left. Overall, it was definitely NOT a money making experience.

It was, however, a day of sunburn. G and I both came home with pretty heinous sunburns. Most people out there had tents, but renting one costs $25, and that would have put us in the whole, so no tent. Only an umbrella that apparently did me no real favors. We had fun, though. And it was a learning experience. We just weren’t that lucky selling things. A lot of people walked by and made comments like, “Oh wow, look at those cute clipboards.” or “Mom, look, Halloween flower pots!”. But apparently buying them never really crossed anyone’s mind. 😛 Oh well. I was hoping for some good money to put towards the wedding, but we’ll have to try something else. If anyone has any idea about a good money-making endeavor that we could pull off with minimal money investment, I’m all ears :).