Bad Start

Some weeks just get off to a bad start. And once you’re off routine, it’s hard to get back on it.

This week appears to be one of those weeks for me. I woke up about 6 am yesterday morning with a terrible back-ache that didn’t really start feeling better until last night. As a result, my routine was totally screwed up yesterday. Then, G had a review session until 8:30 pm last night, so we didn’t eat dinner until late. Rather than cooking something light, stupid me made spaghetti. Well, that pasta sat in my stomach like a bunch of rocks all night long and I just could not get to sleep.

Sometime around 3 am, I looked at the clock and just wanted to cry. I finally feel asleep sometime after that, but all in all, it wasn’t a good night. I still have a stomach ache and now I’m exhausted. I’m beginning to wonder if this week is just going to be a mess.

Once you’re so far off your routine like this and not feeling good, how do you force yourself back on it? There are some things that will naturally force me back into the routine, like voice lessons I can’t cancel and other things where people are counting on me to be somewhere, but with my current career, there aren’t that many times like that on my schedule. For the most part, it’s all about my own determination to get something done at a certain time. I guess I just have to write out a set schedule and make myself stick to it, then hope that I can finally get a good night’s sleep tonight.