Finished: Take Two!

It’s real this time. No more harsh critiques to stop me in my tracks. Just my full manuscript in an envelope, nicely printed out along with a query letter and synopsis. Today, it will go out to New York, priority mail. Then, it’s out of my hands for a while.

It could be six days or six months before I hear back from them. How scary is that? Let me tell you: It’s terrifying! The most I can do is pray that it’s a quick turn-around with a happy result. And in the meantime, write the next book!

Zombies come next, which is a far cry from romance on Sea Island, but it should be even more fun to write. It’s a new phase of my writing life that begins today. I can write with confidence, knowing that no matter what, I am capable of finishing a novel. I can actually do it. And the more I write, the better chance I have of being published someday. Let’s hope it’s someday soon!