Online Surveys for Cash

Lately G and I have been taking online surveys for cash. Palm Research offers daily surveys that pay at least $1.00, and while I don’t always qualify, we’ve managed to make over $15.00 as a couple in just the past week. Now, before you laugh and say that fifteen bucks is only a small amount of money, just think about the fact that it only takes a few minutes a day and sometimes the surveys can even be interesting. (Be sure to sign up via the link above if you’re interested in doing some too.)

Plus, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that small amounts add up quickly. Much more quickly than you realize unless you’re keeping track. $1.00 here and there can be the difference between having money to go to dinner or put into savings and not. (And it works the other way too. Spending $1.00 here or there on a soda or a small trinket can have you asking where your paycheck went.) Consider that $15.00 in a week means almost $60 in a month. And we could all use an extra $60 this month couldn’t we?

The other fun thing for me about taking these surveys is that they seem to always have a little box at the beginning where they ask your age. Instead of making you type it out, they usually have a set of boxes with a range of numbers and ask you to check off the box your age fits into. I just like the fact that I’m still in the 25-34 box. Thinking of being grouped with the 25 year olds makes me happy. Of course, it’s going to work the opposite way when I’m in the 35-44 box, isn’t it? Ouch. I just don’t want to think about that right now. For now, I”ll enjoy my little bit of money earned and the fact that I’m still one of the young folks.