Writing My Synopsis
Writing a synopsis is not as easy as it sounds. It’s so difficult to summarize the important elements of my 170 page novel into only 3 pages! Unfortunately, it’s a necessary part of my submission package, so I have no choice. The novel can’t go out until the synopsis is written.
I think one of the main things that makes it difficult to write is that I love my book for all the little things. All those magical little moments that come together to make my story special and different, sure. But I also love all the pages in between. I cherish every word, every scene, every single conversation. Boiling that down to the very bare bones is hard, dammit!
What I need to do today is really think about the most important parts of this book. What is it that keeps the hero and heroine apart? Not just externally, but internally as well. What walls do they have to break through and what past do they still cling to and need to overcome in order to truly accept love into their hearts? Then, rather than give a scene by scene run down of the book, I can pick out only the main parts that show those conflicts and struggles.
Today, this is my main task. I know I can do it. Once this is finished, I should be ready to send this out, once and for all, to NY.
Your synopsis will be great.