29 Days until the Wedding!
I can’t believe we are now actually under the 30 day mark! I am so excited! Since our wedding is also a vacation at the same time, I know that we are going to have such a great time. And… what’s even better is that our wedding is going to be so stress-free! It’s already paid for (as of yesterday’s call to pay the final balance at the chapel of the flowers), and we’re going to be so relaxed!
One thing I love about this relationship is that we almost never argue. Sure, some people like to say that arguments keep their relationship spicy or whatever, but I’ll take happiness and love over arguments any day. Most days, the closest we come to an argument is a debate about the future of publishing or some such topic that we both find interesting. When we go away to a new city, we spend a lot of time talking about the future and just walking around, enjoying the sights and the food and each other’s company. I know that Las Vegas was the best choice for our wedding, because there will be so much to do and so much to see.
29 days until the wedding, but 26 days until we leave for Vegas, and there is so much we need to do still! Like my dress needs to be altered. (Yes, I’m doing it myself, which is scary.) We need to write our vows and choose our music. I have tons of Christmas presents to make. We still need to make more money so we can actually enjoy a few shows while we are there. And then there’s the normal stuff like working and writing and cleaning. It’s so hard to concentrate on those other things when I keep smiling about the fact that we’ll be married in just 29 days. I honestly never knew love could be like this. Well, I knew because I’d seen my parents together for so long… but I never really believed I could find a love that was this comfortable, yet electric… this challenging, yet supportive… this much fun after all this time! I can be happy knowing that I’ve truly made the best choice of my life.