Deploying to Iraq

My cousin is leaving today to go to Iraq. I am not sure how long he’ll be there, but I think most of these types of deployments are a year, right? That sucks. Sometimes I still can’t believe we have so many soldiers in the Middle East 6 years after we started this ‘war’. More than six years even…

My cousin Kevin is leaving behind a young son and his wife, and I know they are so sad to lose him when he’s overseas. I am really proud of him for enlisting in the Army and serving our country, but at the same time, I get so scared when he goes over there. Last time, when he was in Afghanistan, his unit was attacked and several of his buddies were injured. Kevin was a real hero, recovering from the initial blast quickly and getting his wits about him so that he could defend their position. I am certainly proud of him for that, but I also pray that he does not see that kind of action again this time around.

My thoughts and prayers are with Kevin today. I know you won’t read this before you go, but I love you, and I’ll miss you.