NaNo: Day 3

NaNo WriMo is off to a strong start. The President, Chris Batty (? did I spell that right? /shrug) gave the advice to start strong early, to pump out as many words in the first few days as possible. Why? Well, because at the beginning you have a lot of energy and are pumped up for the new story. A week in, however, you start to realize that writing 50,000 words in a month isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. You start to feel tired and uninspired. That’s when having a huge start can really help.

On days where you’re feeling low or you don’t want to write, you can simply tell yourself that all you have to write is 500 measly words. That’s nothing! Barely more than a page or two! Chances are, of course, that once you’re writing and getting into the story, you’ll write more like 1000 or more words, but anything is better than nothing. The important thing is not to let yourself have any ‘zero’ days where you don’t write any words at all. Keep plucking away and in another 27 days, a novel will be born!