6 Days!

I realize that my blog hasn’t been very exciting lately, but I have a good excuse. We’re leaving for Vegas in only 6 days! The wedding and the trip are pretty much the only things on my mind, and understandably so. Never having been to Las Vegas before, I’m not totally sure what to expect… but after having loved almost every big city I’ve ever been to, I know I’m going to love Vegas too. This weekend G and I were able to upgrade our photo package at the chapel and every detail about the wedding is perfect according to what we wanted our wedding to be. It’s really shaping up to be a great trip and a beautiful private wedding.

We decided to write our own vows, so we had to send those via email to the chapel’s wedding coordinator, who then passed them on to the minister to be approved. I’m sure there won’t be a problem with them. The only thing left to really do (besides finish my mother’s christmas present) is the dress alterations. We have already pinned the dress at the bottom to be hemmed, but I just haven’t done it yet. Honestly, I’m afraid to do it! But, it’s definitely crunch time now, so I better get started this morning! Wish me luck!

6 days! Woohoo!