Megan and Cheyne win Amazing Race

Dang! I so wanted the brothers to win! Not because they were particular nice to each other, because they weren’t, but because in my little reality show winner picks game with my sister, they are the team I chose to win it all. Last night’s finale was a good one, especially since the final city on the Amazing Race was Las Vegas and my fiance and I will be traveling there in only 9 short days for our wedding/honeymoon! All three remaining teams ended up on equal footing by getting on the same flight home to Vegas. I have to say I prefer it this way, rather than one team getting way ahead or way behind right from the start. Even though the Miss America couple, Brian and Erika, were off to a solid start, they fell behind quickly and could never really catch up to the other two teams.

It really came down to the brothers and the blonds. I was on the edge of my seat as they showed both teams in the cab on their way to Wayne Newton’s house, with Phil and the other teams waiting at the finish line. When the first cab pulled up, I was so hoping to see my brothers run toward the finish line as victors in the race! It would have been so awesome because my sister and I have had such a great track record on picking Amazing Race winners. Race 13, I picked Nick and Starr, the brother and sister team that won it all. Race 14, she chose Tammy and Victor,. also winners! This year, the brothers were my last hope in the reality show picks, and while they came close, it was Megan and Cheyne who walked away with a well-deserved million dollar prize.

I would like to say this, however… despite accusations online and during the game, I do not think the brothers elbowed the globe trotters or got physically dirty with the other teams. They did a replay of that run in the bog so many times, and not once did the brothers intentionally try to trip the basketball greats. It was the globe trotters who aggressively came up behind the brothers and tripped them, but it seemed to be an accident. On the other hand, they did some pretty rotten things like stealing a cab or whatever, but it’s a race, right? You can’t really blame them! That’s all I wanted to say in their defense.

With one out of three reality shows over now, my sister and I have yet to pick a winner. This week, The Biggest Loser finale won’t be any better – neither of us picked one of the people in the final four. There’s still a chance that one of our picks will win the at-home prize, but we didn’t guess the winner and that much is final. Survivor will be the only show left in this season of our friendly reality show picks, and I have no chance left to win that one. Erik, my pick, has been out for weeks now, but K’s pick, Jaison, is still going strong. If he can manage to maneuver evil Russell’s ousting, he might just have a shot at winning the million dollars. Stay tuned!

In the end, the truth is that it’s just so stinking hard to choose a winner for these reality tv shows just off the opening credits or the online bios. I’m proud to have gotten as close as 2nd place. So close, but no cigar. Congrats to Megan and Cheyne. You weren’t my initial picks, but you ran a good race and you deserved to win! I will definitely tune in again for Amazing Race 16 whenever it comes out.