My Favorite Super Bowl Ads

G and I watched the Super Bowl last night. To be honest, we aren’t really huge pro football fans. Or even little ones, for the most part. But I like to watch the Super Bowl. Okay, so mainly we watched it for the commercials. This year, here were my top 5 favorite ones:

My #1 Favorite was marked by Google’s first push into television advertising:

#2. The Doritos Commercials were all really good last night, but this one was awesome. It had me laughing out loud, which is always a good thing:

#3. The unexpected Dodge Charger ad. I wasn’t expecting it to be a car ad at all, so when it came through, it was pretty cool. Funny ad.

#4. Gaming Ads have really been getting better and better – which is no surprise since gaming itself is one of the most revenue-producing past-times these days. The new ad for Dante’s Inferno really caught my attention. Made me want to run out and buy it – except for this – I really want to buy Bioshock 2 and there’s no way I can afford both games in the same month.

#5. And my fifth favorite Super Bowl commercial of 2010? The Betty White Snickers commercial.