Extra Purple Me

Saturday I decided to go super-purple. When I first put a purple streak in my hair, I was just testing it out to see how it looked. But the truth is that just one visible purple streak didn’t feel like enough. I wanted more. So Saturday, I took the leap. I pulled out six individual sections of hair and bleached them, preparing to make just those sections purple. But then G suggested that I just put the purple everywhere. That way, the purple would go really purple on the bleached places, but just a subtle purple on the brown hair. And that is exactly what I did.

I love it! It’s something different that makes me feel free somehow. Free to just do what I want and to be the person I want. It’s a celebration of the fact that there’s no 9-5 job that I have to answer to or be a certain way for. Even of the fact that there’s no meddling mother who will shriek, “Oh my god! What did you do!” (unless of course I drive to GA in the next few weeks!). I colored my hair purple and the sky did not fall from the sky. The hair police did not come with sirens blazing. It may only be a temporary thing, but who knows? Maybe I will love having color in my hair so much that I’ll just flit from purple to pink to blue and so on? It’s nice to have the freedom to try it if I want.

One Comment

  1. yeah about damn time!!!! It is very freeing to do what you want is it not? Too bad your rebellion is just now kicking in, oh and you can drive to ga anytime you want and not get judged on ANYTHING at all!!! we got robbed last time you were here.

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