New Phone!

I was so tired of my old phone. It was a Sanyo and when I picked it out, I was swayed by the cool outer display and the shiny pink color. The battery life was really good too, but I had been using the phone for two years. In this day and age where phones are so advanced and varied, it was like torture to carry around the same boring phone for two years! Okay, so torture might be a strong word. But I wanted a new one, regardless.

This month, our two year Sprint contract expires. If we were wealthy, we would probably switch to Verizon and both get Droid phones. Either that or switch to AT&T for the iPhone. We are not, however, wealthy. Especially with my new Jenny Craig membership sucking a lot of the cash out of our wallets (for a good cause!), we cannot really afford two new cell phones. Not even with the so called “discounts” they give for signing a new two-year contract. Plus, it would be nice to afford the data plan with email and GPS and all the bells and whistles.

Instead of a new plan and new phones through Sprint, I decided to just buy a new phone on ebay! I found the phone I wanted from the Sprint site (where it costs something outrageous like $350), then went to ebay and found the same phone. The LG Lotus. There was a great auction for a gently used one, so I emailed the seller and asked if there were any scratches or if there was any wear on the phone. She said no, that it was in ‘new’ condition. I ended up paying only $80 for the phone and when it came, it was just as she said. It looks brand new! And I got the USB cord to hook it up to my computer, a 2 GB mini-SD card to hold pictures and music, and a car charger all for that low price. And I didn’t even have to sign a new contract. I am definitely loving my new phone with its MP3 player, full QWERTY keyboard and fun new look. And when I get tired of the purple? I can buy interchangeable faceplates. πŸ™‚