ACT ONE Finished!

I have to admit, I had some doubts. When I set a goal of 7,000 words a week (starting last week), I had some serious doubts. But I also knew that setting that goal was the only path to finishing this novel before the RWA National Convention this summer so that I can pitch it to agents and editors. Last week was my first week to put this goal to the test, and let me tell you folks – I blew it out of the water! Go me!

I wrote more like 10,000 words last week, and to top it off, I actually finished the entire first Act of my novel! Which means I am 1/4 of the way through with this puppy! What’s even more surprising is that I am actually very happy with it, hehe. Writing this novel has been FUN, especially now that I have spent the time I needed to get my mind in the right place regarding the major plot. I have a pretty decent outline that I’m following, but I’m also allowing myself to be open to any changes that might occur during the writing process. If something new and totally different comes to me while I’m writing a scene, I go with it. And I’m not spending time revising or rewriting at this stage. I’m just letting it flow, and it feels amazing.

Today is the start of my second week of 7k words. (and hopefully another 10! whee!) Act II begins, and I am very excited about it!! And proud of myself for reaching my first goal.