Agent / Editor List up For RWA Nationals

I have already signed up and bought my plane ticket for the Romance Writers of America National Conference in Nashville, TN! I even have my room at the Opryland Hotel booked (a hotel I have always wanted to stay in!). I can’t wait! The conference is at the end of July, and a list of editor and agents who will be taking appointments and pitches just went up online!

I’m sure some people will be added to the list as it gets closer to the date where people can sign up for times, but I am already extremely happy with the list. My number one choice for a dream agent is on there – Kristin Nelson, as well as the other agent from her agency. They would both be a dream come true as agents. I already feel like I’m biting my nails, praying that one of them will have a slot open for me by the time I get to sign up. There is a set order for signups, starting with current Golden Heart Finalists, then previous GH finalists and PAN members, then PRO status RWA members, and finally the general membership. I am one step ahead of where I was last year since I am now PRO, but will that be enough? I imagine Kristin Nelson is in such high demand that people will be rushing to sign up with her. I can only pray that there is still a slot or two left with either her or Ms. Megibow when it opens for PRO’s.

As far as editors, there’s not quite as much excitement. For the most part, the list is dominated by Harlequin editors. So far, I only see one editor that would look at YA and that is an editor from Tor Books Teen division. I definitely will be hoping to get in to pitch to her unless someone from another big house’s Teen/ YA department is added. I am definitely excited to be going to Nationals again this year. Now, I just have to make sure that my manuscript is finished and ready to pitch!