Jenny Craig – One Month Results

As you know, I joined Jenny Craig about a month ago! The program has been surprisingly easy to stick to. Mostly, I attribute that to the food being so good – and also the fact that I can eat things like cheesecake and double chocolate cake that taste almost like regular non-diet foods. As of yesterday’s weigh-in, I have officially lost 11.2 pounds! We also did some measurements around my bust, waist, abdomen, and hips when I first started. I won’t tell you all those measurements :P, but I will say that every month they measure you again to see how many inches you’ve lost. And I have lost 3 1/2 inches from those four areas combined! Pretty impressive!

My weight this week was just barely above 180, so I know that if I try hard, by next week I can be in the 170’s. It’s been so so long since I got my weight down that far! And with two months still before my first official beach vacation, I know that I can get down to my halfway goal, which is 166 pounds. Since the food program is so easy to stick to, it’s mainly going to be about the exercise in months to come. So far, all I’ve been doing is a little bit of walking here and there. Now, I need to ramp it up and start adding in the bike and maybe some of those aerobic videos I have. Joining a gym or something isn’t really in the budget, so exercise needs to be something free, but I’m confident I can burn the calories I need to burn without spending any extra money.

So, 11.2 pounds in four weeks! I’m definitely finding success on this program, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.