Jenny Craig Week 5 Results

Well, not as successful this past week. I didn’t lose, but at least I didn’t gain either. My total stays at the 11.2, which is still more than 2 pounds average a week. For some reason, I was just super hungry all week. Maybe it was partly that I was so good for a month and the “rebel” in me just wanted to eat something bad? Or maybe it was that I was being so successful in my weight loss and my writing that my inner critique said “Wait a minute! You don’t deserve to be happy!” and turned my thoughts to hunger. I definitely ate more than I should have last week, but thankfully, some part of me kept it in check enough to not gain weight.

I’m back on the wagon, so to speak. My short-term goal is to lose 1 pound this week. My mid goal is to have gotten to my halfway goal by the time I go to the beach July 4th week with my family. And long term? I would love to be at my goal weight by our one year wedding anniversary in December. If I can lose an average of only 1 pound a week, all of those goals should be attainable. It feels good to be aiming towards a healthy goal. I just hope I don’t screw it up.


  1. Why is it that everything "fun" like eating good food is bad for you? You can do it, hang in there! 11.2 lbs is alot in 5 weeks!!! πŸ™‚

    xoxo — Hilary

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