Sandra Bullock’s Big Surprise: A Baby!

I knew that Sandra Bullock would eventually come out of hiding. After all, an Oscar winning actress can’t stay out of the public eye for too long. Well, not unless she’s ready to give up her career completely. I pictured Sandra as a very unhappy, teary-eyed woman privately mourning the death of her marriage.

What I did not picture was this radiant woman who showed up on the cover of People magazine yesterday holding a newborn baby boy. How the hell did she keep that a secret? The news is that Sandra and her soon to be ex-husband had been trying to adopt a baby for four years. They were finally successful this past January when they adopted the very adorable Louis Bardo, who was born in New Orleans. She really must have been so happy at the beginning of this year. A newborn baby, all these accolades for her role in the Blind Side. Then her dumbass husband had to go and screw a bunch of ho’s Tiger style.

Well, instead of sitting at home sulking, Sandra has been busy taking care of her baby, finalizing the adoption as a single parent, and filing for divorce. I am very happy for her, and I definitely like the picture of her happily spending time with her new son out of the public eye rather than being so sad over such an asshole. Of course, I am once again found wondering why I care so much about a celebrity I’ll never actually meet in person, but I guess some celebrities are a part of our lives in one way or another.

Regardless of whether I’ll ever know Sandra Bullock as a person, her choices have helped to shape my life, even if only in a small way through her movies or her example as a beautiful person. Even in her darkest days, she has carried herself with grace and poise, refusing to come out and badmouth a man who has so obviously done her wrong. Instead, she chose to come back into the public eye with a smile on her face and a beautiful baby boy in her arms. For some strange reason, that image gives me strength.