Monday Excitement: Agent Appointment Signups

I know it’s only Friday, but my eyes are already turned towards Monday’s Agent and Editor signups. RWA’s National Conference at the end of July holds many exciting moments I’m sure, but the most important from where I stand is the agent appointment.

Last year, I wanted to pitch my contemporary series romance to the editor at Silhouette Desire. I got my wish. She had time available, I pitched to her, and she asked for a full manuscript! That’s why I’ll be attending RWA as a PRO this year instead of a general member (one step up from last year). Even though she ultimately rejected my manuscript, the important thing is that the conference pitch gave me the opportunity to get my work in her hands as requested instead of having to wait until she found time to wade through the slush pile.

This year, I’m aiming at a completely different genre. And instead of setting my sights on a particular editor, I’m looking at an agent. A dream agent, actually. She’s taking appointments this year, and I’m so anxious to see if there are still times available Monday morning or not. Please, please let her have some slots available still by the time I can sign up! See, sign ups are staggered. People who finaled in the Golden Heart this year got first dibs. Then Golden Heart finalists from previous years. Now, this Monday, it’s PRO and PAN members, starting at 8AM Central Time. That puts me a full week ahead of the General Membership, which is where I was last year. I can only wait and see if that’s enough to get my appointment with my dream agent.

Of course, I know that just getting an appointment isn’t enough. I still have to figure out an amazing pitch. And even then, she may not be interested in my book. I get that. I also know, however, that whether she likes it or not is out of my control. All I can do is write the best book I can and get it in front of people who could take it where it needs to go. Until Monday’s signups, I have a feeling I’m going to feel butterflies in my stomach!