Sex and The City 2: Review

Last night, my husband and I went to see the 12:01 am showing of SATC 2. It made me so happy to see the girls again and to check in on what their lives are like these days. It’s so weird how fictional characters can seem so real. Overall, the movie didn’t quite live up to my expectations, though. It wasn’t as emotionally satisfying as the first movie, so I missed that punch in the end that I have come to expect from Sex and the City – you know the part that makes me cry. But on one point the movie did not disappoint – the GLAMOUR! It was definitely all about the fashion and the fabulous lives of these NYC women. The whole trip to Abu Dhabi was pure decadence, and it left me wishing I could afford to go on a trip like that with George or with my best girlfriends. Of course, once you see the movie you’ll see why, by the end of their trip, I sort of changed my mind. Maybe Vegas? Or the Caribbean? Middle East – not so much.

This time around, the movie explored the idea of ‘traditions’ and how women (and men, I suppose) are dealing with the traditions of family, career, and especially marriage. Is it okay to make our own rules in marriage? Is it a sin to admit that your children are driving you crazy? Questions like this are important to women in today’s society, and SATC, as always, cuts right to the heart. The movie had me laughing and bouncing in my seat right from the start, and I loved every minute of it (Okay, so the Karaoke scene wasn’t my fave). I just wish it had been able, like the first movie, to bring the point home and give me that emotional punch that I love so well from the series. In the end, however, if you’re a SATC fan, it’s a must-see. I, for one, will go see it at least one more time while it is in the theaters.