Late Night Magic

There’s just something special about writing late at night. It could just be me, but once everyone in the house has gone to bed and it gets dark out and quiet, I slip into this zone. Like last night, for example. I’ve been struggling with getting this battle scene down, but last night I went over to one of my critique partner’s apartments (emergency critique session at 11 PM… don’t ask) and after we talked about her chapters, I set up my laptop and started writing. I only wrote for about an hour, but guess what? I wrote over 3,000 words! In one hour!

Usually, my average in an hour is about 1,000 words. That’s a decent pace for me, and I’m happy with it. Well, I don’t know if it was the night or just the right time and place or what, but I rocked that battle scene out last night. Of course, it could also be the momentum since the story is almost ready to start sending out. It could be the knowledge that I’m going to be pitching this to my dream agent in just two weeks. I don’t know exactly, but for some reason, it worked. I’ll take that kind of writing magic anytime.

If it hadn’t already been 3:30 AM by the time I closed my laptop on the battle scene, I would have kept going. Unfortunately, my need-to-sleep internal alarm was going off, so I had to drive home and crawl into bed with my gorgeous hubby. It was a good night. Tonight when the sun goes down and everything gets quiet again, let’s hope I can recreate that late-night magic and have one more super-writing-burst so I can finish the book and get back to the work of revisions!

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