My new Tattoo

Okay, so maybe it’s just too hard to stay away! I was planning to start a new blog that was totally dedicated to writing, but I’m too attached to the sweetie chronicles. I need my morning blogging fix!

G and I just got back from a week in the Outer Banks with my family. It was fun, not completely drama free, but fun. And guess what? I finally got a tattoo! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, but since it’s kind of, well, permanent, I figured I should have a good design and an even better reason for it. This year, everything came together.

The design? All I knew for sure was that I wanted the word “Believe” on my inner right wrist. I wanted script letters. The tattoo artist took care of the specific design. As for the reason, it’s two-fold. For one, it’s been exactly 10 years this fall since I was sexually assaulted. Heavy topic for a blog I’m writing at only 9 am, I know, but unfortunately true. Because of him, I’ve spent 10 years of my life not believing in myself. It’s time to take that power away from him and give it back to myself. For good. The second reason is simply that I don’t have enough confidence in myself as a writer sometimes, and I know it holds me back. Some days, I spend more time telling myself I suck than I do actually writing! It’s time for that to stop. My novel is almost totally finished, and it’s time I got behind myself as a cheerleader for once. Believe!

Here is the final result:

Pretty sweet, huh? I love it. From now on, any time I start to allow negative thoughts into my head, I can look down at my wrist and think, “Stop hating and start believing.” Cheesy? Perhaps. But I don’t care! It’s my time to start living up to my potential and to stop letting things from my past get in the way of my future success.

And, yes, I’ll be blogging here every morning again :).