Zombie Jellyfish and Sarra Bonanza!

Two completely unrelated topics, but hey, it’s Friday and I can do what I want! First, I just had to share this crazy story about a zombie jellyfish who stung 150 people near a New Hampshire beach AFTER it was dead. It decomposed off shore and its still-active tentacles dispersed into the waters, stinging people. Some of those who were stung ended up at the hospital, so I realize this is no laughing matter. However, it’s still crazy.

In other news, tonight is the Sarra Bonanza! My friends and critique partners are coming over tonight to talk about my completed novel now that they’ve read through it. We’re also going to take a look at my outfits for conference, eat some pizza, and play around with makeup. Yes, it’s wild and crazy! It’s also super nice to have great friends who support me and want me to be successful. I feel so grateful and blessed right now.

Have a great weekend everyone!