Creating My Vision Board

My goal for today is to create a “vision board”. So what is a vision board? As I understand it, it’s a place where I can put my goals and where I want to be in the future into visual images and affirmations. For example, I want to focus on losing weight and getting healthy. In the future, I see myself as someone who is thin, beautiful, and healthy. Last night, I cut out pictures of healthy food, exercise equipment I want to use, and words like ‘beautiful’ and ‘go the extra mile’. Weight loss is just one part of my vision for my future, but it’s important. There are four other things on my personal vision board, and while I won’t go into them, I will post a picture of the finished board on Monday or later this weekend.

After I finish making the board, I will post it somewhere near my desk in the office where I can see it all day, every day. In the mornings, I will meditate on those images. I will picture myself having those things and imagine myself working hard to make them come true. I think the major difference between what I’ve been doing with my goals and the vision board is that in the past, I have always thought about my long-term goals and felt overwhelmed. It’s easy to get frustrated and feel like these goals are so far away that they are nearly impossible. When I think of my goals in these terms, it’s always negative thoughts like “I can’t do it” or “I’ll never happen” or “It’s just too hard”.

With a vision board, the whole point is to visualize myself already having this life that I want. If I meditate on these images and picture myself inside of this vision I have for my future, I will be more motivated to work toward those goals every day. Now, there are also people out there who claim that simply focusing on specific wants and declaring to the universe that I want them (in a positive way) will open up doors out of positive energy. The universe will move in order to bring these things into my life. I don’t know for sure how or if that really works, but I’m willing to test it out and give it a shot. Being positive and finding a morning motivator will only bring good things into my life. A positive attitude can only help me in achieving my goals. So today, I make a vision board. It’s my Friday project, and I’m excited to get focused and clear about what I want as we move into September next week and I begin writing a new novel.

Happy Friday all! Have a great weekend!