Making Decisions

Sometimes I feel paralyzed when I have to make important decisions. I’m certainly old enough to have been making my own decisions for many years now, but at the same time, there are certain kinds of decisions that leave me spinning my wheels for months, unable to really commit. Yesterday, I had a breakthrough when I realized that this is definitely where I’m going wrong with my career path. Too many options, not enough focus.

When I think about the different ways I can make money, I know that I am lucky. I have multiple options. I’m not saying I could become an instant millionaire, but making a decent living for myself wouldn’t be too hard if push came to shove. I’m also extremely lucky because my husband gives me the freedom to explore these career paths so that I can find the best one for us both financially and emotionally. The only problem is that I’ve been spending a couple of years now bouncing back and forth between several possibilities.

Yes, I am a writer. But I’m also a voice and piano teacher who has thought about opening a full studio to make money. I also have put applications in at various teaching jobs and sub jobs. I also write articles online for money. And I write novels, hoping to someday get published by a ‘Big Six’ house. I also have considered writing books to self-publish in digital format. There are lots of options out there, and even though I’m working hard, I know I’ve lacked the focus I need to truly make any of those things work out the way I hope they will. It reminds of that old saying “jack of all trades, master of none.” I don’t want to be sort-of good at a lot of things. I want to be super successful and really amazingly good at one thing (and therefore, make a ton of money doing it, if possible :P).

Over the next week or so, I’m going to be doing a lot of thinking about my goals and options. I’m setting a September 1st deadline for myself to make some important decisions about my career focus. Self-publishing? Voice teaching? Traditional route? What is my number one career goal? I’ll let you know :P.