Shiny New Idea

I love new ideas. It’s exciting to come up with a totally new cast of characters, a new setting, a brand new plot or premise. It feels especially shiny and new when you’ve been working on your last novel for almost a year. I’m burned out on it, to be honest. I know it needs more revisions, but I need space first. Time to let it cool off before I go back in and start dissecting it again or rewriting. I’m hoping that once I go back to it, I’ll find out that it is actually pretty good. Haha. After struggling with one idea and one story for so long, it’s awesome to start working on a brand new, shiny, fresh idea.

It’s too early for me to share the details of this idea, because it isn’t really formed yet, but I have this plan. I am going to write a series with the intention of self-publishing online. I am setting some pretty huge goals for myself, hoping to have two books written and published online by Christmas. Meanwhile, I am going to let my novel, Pandemic, get cold for a few months. Then I’ll brush it off and begin rewrites again with the intention of querying agents and sending it out.

I have also been thinking of starting a new blog. Something totally fresh where I can explore the topic of self-publishing vs. traditional print publishing. It’s definitely a topic worth exploring these days. So much to think about… If I do start a new blog, I’ll be sure to let you know. πŸ™‚