Weekend Purge

Sometimes it just feels good to organize. For example, our office has been slowly growing out of control. We have this closet that used to have sliding doors over it. When I first moved in, we took those doors off, put in a few bookcases, and turned the closet into a little mini-library. It was all very organized. I promise.

G’s side of the closet pretty much always stays organized. He rarely adds anything to it other than some spare computer parts, so it stays the same most of the time. My side, on the other hand, is insane. I stack books, CDs, pens, notebooks, and papers over there. Magazines, ugh. Once my shelves were full, I just started stacking things on top. I seriously wish I had taken a “before” picture yesterday so you could have seen it. It was… precarious.

Saturday night I had a minor melt-down in the middle of the night. I stayed up crying and writing in my journal, feeling like I was never going to be the person I want to be. It happens. It sucks, but it happens. To make myself feel better, G suggested I pick one thing and concentrate on making it right. I picked the mini-library/ex-closet mess. It took hours. First, I pulled everything out and organized it into piles. Real Simple magazine here. Game Informer there. Books I’ve already read and can (sadly) give away in one pile. Books I want to read in another. I even still had an entire box of tapes with my old singing lessons on them. G and I listened to them while I cleaned. Wow, it was like visiting another lifetime. A lifetime that reminded me just how lucky I am in this one.

My finished closet isn’t perfect. I’m not exactly a natural when it comes to cleaning and organizing spaces. But I’m happy that there’s no longer a tower of books on top or a mess of things on the floor. For the most part, it’s organized. And G was right. I do feel better.