NaNo WriMo Tip #3: Don’t Give Up
Here we are just 9 days away from the end of November (if you count today). Obviously, I’m way behind. Not only on my NaNo word count, but also on this blog, cause hey, if I don’t have time to write one, where would I find the time to write the other? I thought about doing 10 tips, but let’s shorten it to 5. 🙂
Tip #3: Don’t Give Up
This is my mantra lately. I repeat it to myself in the shower and on the sidewalk and in the car. I remind myself when I wake up in the morning and again sometime in the evening when I’m feeling exhausted after a full day. Don’t give up! It’s not over yet!
Those first few days and even weeks of November can seem so magical. The story you’ve been thinking about for the past few weeks (months?) is finally coming alive on the page. You see your word count shoot up beyond anything you ever imagined. But then somewhere, life steps back in. Your husband gets sick. Your mom turns 60 and you can’t miss that party. Work needs you to work overtime. There’s always something that is bound to come up that will derail your word count plans. But Don’t Give Up!
With only 9 days left, my word count currently sits at 21,897, not even halfway to the 50,000 word goal. At this point, I have two choices. I can throw my hands up in despair and admit defeat, leaving my word count to sit at that measly 21,897 for the rest of the month and possibly the rest of my life. OR I can spend the next 9 days re-dedicating myself to the goal I set at the beginning of the month. I can try to recapture that excitement and happiness I felt when November 1st finally got here. I might not be able to punch out the over 3,000 words a day I need to win NaNo this year, but I could try. I could refuse to give up and just keep pushing through.
Who knows? At the end of the month, you might still be shy of your 50k goal, but what if you made it all the way to 40,000 words? And what if you persisted throughout December to finish this novel and make it great? Or what if you found your excitement again and pulled out a miraculous win over the next 9 days?? It’s not too late, I promise you. I plan to be a winner in 2010, and I know you can do it too.
Don’t Give Up. Not now, after you’ve come so far.