NaNo WriMo Tip #4: Reward Yourself
We’re getting down to the wire here. With less than one week left, where can you find that extra ounce of motivation you need to get to the finish line? In a word: Rewards!
Find something that you really want. Something worth working toward. Something that motivates you. Then set your goal and go for it. For example, if your goal at this point is just to get to the 50,000 mark on time, pick out a great reward for when you hit that goal. Buy a cute purse you wouldn’t normally splurge on. Get that new techie item you’ve had your eye on for months. Promise yourself a night out to see the new Harry Potter movie (plus popcorn!). Or, if you’re cash-poor, try to think of other ways to reward yourself. Give yourself permission to spend an entire afternoon doing nothing but watching TV and doing your nails or eating pizza! Reactivate your WOW account and create a brand new character and play 24 hours straight. Whatever you can think of that inspires motivation, go for it. There’s got to be something you want, right??
I am currently sitting at 30,069 words. With basically only six days left, I need over 3000 words a day to make my 50k goal. Can I do it? Absolutely. I just need a little push. So what did my amazing husband promise me? The one thing I’ve been wanting for over a year: a new Android phone! He came home from work tonight and told me that if I can write 9,000 words before tomorrow night at midnight, we can go to T-Mobile on Black Friday and get Android phones. Believe me, I already have mine picked out! For me, it’s a reward worth working toward! Of course, it will also double as our one year anniversary gifts to each other (hey, we’re not millionaires, hehe), but it’s still an amazing incentive to work hard.
Writing an entire novel in a month is not an easy task. It’s not something that most people can do. Just taking on the challenge is amazing and ambitious. If you’ve even gotten halfway to 50,000, you’ve accomplished something great. Don’t forget to reward yourself along the way. We all need to refill our motivation every now and then, and during a month like November, we need extra motivation juice to keep us going. Next year, if you dare to try again, think about setting word count milestones. At 12,500 words, you get a new set of pens. At 25,000 words, you get to go out to your favorite restaurant and pig out on chocolate cake. At 37,500, you reward yourself with that new book you’ve had your eye on. And save something really special for the 50,000 word goal. Choose rewards you can feel good about that will push you to keep going.